Tag: sweet

My name is Gino. I am a brown, furry teddy bear. I have round, black eyes. My mouth is thin and smiling. I am sweet and sunny. I like to play and eat honey....

Chi-chi sings for sad people. From the project 'Museum of Imaginary Friends' curated by Giancarlo Chirico with the collaboration of Bimba Landmann, Camelozampa and Explora - the children's museum in Rome....

He always eats with his friend Arcobaleno vivo. From the project 'Museum of Imaginary Friends' curated by Giancarlo Chirico with the collaboration of Bimba Landmann, Camelozampa and Explora - the children's museum in Rome....

Nuovolo is an imaginary friend who chases away my bad dreams and stay with me day and night. He always dresses smart and has a red bow tie as mine! Edoardo...

When my friend has sparkling eyes it means that he’s sad; when he goes out he becomes a fool. From the project 'Museum of Imaginary Friends' curated by Giancarlo Chirico with the collaboration of Bimba Landmann, Camelozampa and Explora - the children's museum in Rome....

Freccia is a plumed hawk unicorn. He’s sweet, nice, and friendly. A bit muscled and green lawn coloured. His beak is strong and hard… but it doesn’t hurt. He plays with children… but when I say to stop, he stops. He flies with his transparent...

My name's Cotton Candy Tree. I'm pink, red and green. I've got two green eyes. I'm happy. I've got sweets....

Mr. B. came to me in a dream the first time. He was not scary, he had a tiny tiny smile and tiny tiny eyes. After some time together, I got to know him a bit better: he has a big hungry heart, a shiny light...

Rafiki is a very tender and in need of affection fox, who is orphan and lives in a foster home in Kahawa West on the outskirts of Nairobi, in Kenya. A house full of love where there are other foxes like her...

Littleheartail Bunny is a kind and funny friend. She loves carrots and chocolate very much. She also likes to jump - and she can jump very high!...