State: Italy

Lorenzo really loves singing. He’s my imaginary friend....

It's a short dino that helps me to play with Nintendo....

Hi I'm Chico, I really like digging and my favourite sport is football....

He is a curious friend, and you can teach him to read, draw and write....

My name is Catalea. I am a petite child of short stature. My eyes are black and sweet. I have a potato nose and a red, smiling mouth. My hair is short and blue. I wear a yellow dress and no shoes. My character is...

He has horns, wisps in the shape of a crown, a tail with a face, he is nice and has a bunny nose....

I have an imaginary friend called Serena who speaks Macedonian. She is a child like me. I like that when she gets bored, I take my teddies and we play together. She lives in another house but comes to my house every day to play...

My friend Sara has the shape of a normal person: two eyes, a nose, a mouth...