Tag: intelligent

Kira has three colors, and a spiral-like tail with horns on it; she is very friendly, she also has colorful wings. She speaks German and Romanian, she only speaks the languages I know. She helps me to accept all my emotions, especially the hard ones, and she...

Daved Cipton is kind, polite, careful, and smart. He’s short and has a big head....

Ellen sat on the footstool and looked down thoughtfully at the lion. He lay on his stomach on the floor at her feet. "Whenever you and I have a conversation I do all the talking, don't I?" she said. The lion remained silent. "I never let you say...

My imaginary friend thinks and has a shield and defends me from those who shoot. He eats meat and lives in a hole underground....

Puzzetta is smart, it has the power to create other stinkies (puzzetta in italian) like it who fight evil. It lives in Africa together with grey spiders and dangerous snakes, like the spear-iron. It eats other people's stink....

He knows all the things about the world. From the project 'Museum of Imaginary Friends' curated by Giancarlo Chirico with the collaboration of Bimba Landmann, Camelozampa and Explora - the children's museum in Rome....

Uccellomatita (that means 'pencilbird') is self-made. He started to chirp with his powdery voice, then decided that he would draw himself a belly and some nice - but little wonky - paws,  which would certainly take him far anyway. He has wings, but he prefers to...

He's a bit of a dog, a bit of a reindeer and a bit of a rainbow: he likes to jump and paint everything that comes into his way...